Packing all the things

Our go-to list

Sleep stuff

  • Pajamas
  • Sleep sack
  • Sound machine
  • Overnight diapers (1/day)
  • Favorite bedtime book

Clothing and Toiletries

  • 1 outfit (including socks) per day + 4
  • 2 pairs of shoes
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Diapers
  • Baby Motrin
  • Bandaids and Neosporin

Gear and Other

  • Travel stroller
  • Water bottle
  • Snacks for the plane/car and at least the first day
  • A couple small books and toys

Sites for gear rental

Some things are easier to rent, rather than checking 1000 bags. Here is what we've found to be helpful to rent, to lighten our load!